VetMed Library offers two genomics workshops in November

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

The Veterinary Medicine Library is providing the NC State community the opportunity to take two National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Genomics Workshops, courtesy of the University of Virginia.

The first workshop, on Thursday, Nov. 12, covers new features and best practices for Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) services. The second workshop, on Thursday, Nov. 19, presents web‐based databases and tools for pathogen research. Full details about the workshops are below.

“An Update on NCBI BLAST and Other Sequence Analysis Tools”
Thursday, Nov. 12, 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
This workshop highlights new displays and features and introduces best practices for use of NCBI BLAST services. You will learn when and how to use important but often misunderstood aspects of the BLAST programs, specialized services, and databases. You will explore other important sequence analysis services, including Primer BLAST, an oligonucleotide primer designer and specificity checker, and COBALT, a multiple protein sequence alignment tool. Finally, you will see brief demonstrations of standalone BLAST and related tools, including SRA-Toolkit BLAST and Magic-BLAST.

In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Select the correct NCBI alignment tool for your task
  • Choose the best BLAST database for your search goal
  • Understand and use the new BLAST results page, output formats and statistics
  • Display BLAST results in genomic context using graphical displays
  • Analyze nucleotide primers: design, check the specificity, and display primer alignments
  • Assess the taxonomic distribution of your BLAST matches and use the TreeViewer display to visualize relationships
  • Use standalone BLAST, Magic-BLAST and SRA-BLAST to search local databases and remote database on the NCBI server

To register, visit:

“NCBI Resources for Pathogen (Bacteria & Virus) Genomics Research”
Thursday, Nov. 19, 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
This workshop is for those involved in pathogen research. We will cover some general resources that provide information for all organisms and will then focus on some newly developed resources designed specifically for viral and microbial data. This session highlights existing and new web‐based databases and tools.

In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Assess and access the diversity of organism‐specific data based on taxonomy
  • Learn about bacteria‐and microbiome‐specific resources, including the Pathogen Detection Project site
  • Find, view and download nucleotide/genomic sequences and annotation data
  • Learn about bacteria‐and microbiome‐specific resources, including the Pathogen Detection Project site
  • Be introduced to the new genome-based NCBI Datasets resource
  • Explore the new and developing virus‐specific resource - NCBI Virus
  • Discover information linked from our new COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 page

To register, visit:
